bdswiss erfahrung

Huizenga Import & Export is open on all business days except during the main Dutch Holidays (to see a list, click here).

When you're looking for something in particular, would like to import a series of engines or anything, got something we might be interested in, or would like to visit us, please do not hesitate to contact us.
To get an impression of what we have to offer, or import, take a look at our photo impression.

Contact information:

Westkern 5-A
9288 CA Kootstertille
The Netherlands
Chambre of Commerce: 01074036


E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel: +31653162260

Whatsapp: +31653162260




Sunday the 9th - Handelsonderneming Huizenga, Sloperij Huizenga, Huizenga Truckparts, Kootstertille, Nederland / The Netherlands